Pollinate assists government agencies, non-profits, and others who influence how we live and interact with our environment. We know “the environment” is a complicated, often controversial subject. Easy answers are hard to come by. Pollinate will guide you through whatever challenge you encounter.

Research and Analysis
CEQA Review and More
Communications and Outreach


Research & Analysis

Pollinate will research and analyze a wide range of environmental issues for you, including the latest on climate change and sea level rise, wildlife protection, coastal protection and restoration, water resources, clean air, and hazardous waste management and cleanup.

Pollinate finds you the information you need and answers the questions you have, so you can make essential program and policy decisions.


CEQA Review & More

Pollinate will review California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and other California, federal and local government environmental planning and permit documents for you. We help you:


Communications & Outreach

Pollinate will help you with communication and outreach to your community, partners and stakeholders including: